The Apostolic Succession in the Authentic Christian Faith and Life according to Clement of Rome


  • Ana Baciu


Bishop Clement of Rome, Holy Tradition, apostolic succession, Christian life, Christian brotherhood, communion and faith in Jesus Christ


Bishop Clement, the 3rd bishop of Rome, wrote in the 2st century the First Epistle to Corinthians, through which he wanted to unite them in the name of the Holy Apostolic Tradition. Bishop Clement tries to explain the apostolic succession in the authentic Christian life and faith. The author of the epistle mentions and urges towards the sound and righteous faith, piety in Jesus Christ, achieving perfection through the love for Christ and fulfilling God’s commandments. Also, bishop Clement insists upon a pure and dignified conduct, preached by the apostles and by those who have a real and powerful faith in the Word of Truth.




How to Cite

Baciu, A. (2023). The Apostolic Succession in the Authentic Christian Faith and Life according to Clement of Rome. Anuarul Facultății De Teologie Ortodoxă, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, 25, 71–80. Retrieved from



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