O Facultate teologică «world-class», de reper internațional
Învățământul teologic ortodox universitar clujean în primul deceniu al păstoririi Înaltpreasfințitului Părinte Arhiepiscop și Mitropolit Andrei
investment, internationalization, research, high performance, cultural-religious social impact, mystical backbone of the pastoral approach, generation of charactersAbstract
The pillars that support a performance academic theological education in Cluj are centering education on the student and providing a consistent material basis for the training institution of the young missionaries of tomorrow, strengthening the teaching staff by stimulating high-level research and increasing the visibility of scientific research, with an emphasis on the doctoral level, the internationalization of the presence and activity of the Faculty of Theology in Cluj-Napoca, a relationship with society of great spiritual fertility and of great cultural-religious impact, the mission necessarily presupposing a convincing rational-cognitive backbone of the postmodern theological discourse, appropriately contextualized, with a particular attention to contemporary sensibilities.