Das Wirken und Engagement der Klausenburger orthodoxen Theologie angesichts der Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts


  • Vasile Stanciu


Theology, Orthodox, social assistance, ecumenical dialogue, social theology


Orthodox theologians of the 20th century open a new perspective on the application of theology, which is based more on the social and liturgical dimension. The Romanian Orthodox Church was barely visible in the social sphere for about half a century until 1989 due to the political circumstances of the atheistic dictatorship. But we must not forget that the first welfare institutions were established by the Church. After 1989, the diaconal vocation and mission took a new form in the Romanian Orthodox Church. Dozens, even hundreds, of social institutions were created by the Church at all levels. Our faculty has a specialization in “Social Assistance”. The theologian Radu Preda developed the term “social theology” for academic theological training in the Church’s social teaching. The Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Cluj maintains the ecumenical dialogue with other partner institutions, especially in Europe. Specifically, our Faculty maintains several scientific and academic partnerships with other theological faculties in Germany, Austria, Italy, Poland, France and England.




How to Cite

Stanciu, V. (2023). Das Wirken und Engagement der Klausenburger orthodoxen Theologie angesichts der Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Anuarul Facultății De Teologie Ortodoxă, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, 25, 263–272. Retrieved from https://anuarfto.reviste.ubbcluj.ro/index.php/anuarfto/article/view/90



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