Cuvântul – pedagogul – educaţia


  • Gheorghe Șanta


word, teacher, education, psychology, knowledge, spiritual


The study emphasizes that the knowledge of some essential characteristics of the thinking process, affectivity and will, which manifests itself in each psychological stage of age, is necessary for the priest or religion teacher, in order to be able to elaborate the desired and expected evangelical message. The spiritual life of the believer being a complex structural unit in its manifestations, in order to be known by the shepherd of souls, research is needed in this field. Knowing these, the usual methods of knowing the spiritual life of the believer can be used: observation, conversation, experiment, introspection, etc. The theoretical knowledge of psychology, combined with that gained through practical observations on the spiritual manifestations of the faithful, can be applied in religious and spiritual education to outline and shape the moral and spiritual personality of the members of the mystical Body of Christ-the Church.



How to Cite

Șanta, G. (2023). Cuvântul – pedagogul – educaţia. Anuarul Facultății De Teologie Ortodoxă, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, 25, 319–329. Retrieved from



Teologie Practică